Saturday, May 10, 2008

broken hearted

I just got home from the park and I am so mad. Why can't little girls be nice to each other? Zoe tried several times to play with these two girls who looked a little older than her and they just kept giggling and running away. Zoe was so crushed. As a mom, I just want to go give those girls a piece of my mind and knock the heck out of them. Of course, they were unsupervised as their parents were watching (and probably screaming obnoxiously from the sidelines) their preschoolers playing soccer in the field nearby. I tried to tell Zoe to play with someone else but she for some reason thought these two snots were "it." I finally had enough and Parker had fallen about 10 times so it was time to go home but the whole way home poor Zoe was crying. Urgh, I am dreading school for her next year, I know this will probably happen again someday and man am I not looking forward to it.

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