This is what I found in the dining room this morning as I went to dust...
So not only do we have three dance recitals this weekend, graduation for big tall hubby's school, baccalaureate for his school, 4 graduation parties for some of his students, out of town guests, a wrecked van, THEN, this morning I discovered my garbage disposal was leaking, a lot. It must have been leaking for a while because there was this big brown sludgy water under my sink in the cabinet. Yuck. I guess when it rains it pours (or leaks!). Going to wait for the emergency plumber now! I am not even complaining, see how calm I am trying to be? I am just taking it minute by minute...
Have a nice weekend everyone! :)
That IS funny! Yeah, I think he's definitely sending a message. It's funny you mentioned the Brady Bunch. For some reason last night I sang the entire theme song to my boys before bed. They wanted to know if I was singing about real people.
This has got me rolling!! Seriously funny and yes, he is certainly telling you something. I'm just not sure what it is because I'm the baby of the family and still trying to figure out my own little middle son. I'll be interested to hear what Becca has to say in your comments, as she claims to be a typical middle child :)
Enjoy your crazy weekend! How in the world will you ever get all that done? WOW. I think Monday's post can be how you were able to cram all that in and keep your head firmly on your shoulders. Mine nearly popped off just reading your to-do-list!
Ok, that is hilarious!! He is too cute! You'll have to tell us if you find out his reason...or maybe he's just being funny!
You have a LOT going on this weekend...oh my!! At least with all those graduation won't need to worry about feeding your family! :)
Too cute! I hope your weekend gets better!!
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