Wednesday, February 11, 2009

pondering my future

I have been thinking about the future a lot lately. It all started when I tripped over my husband's size 14 shoes. Those things are weapons of mass destruction, I am not kidding. I nag, I mean gently remind, everyone that shoes (once removed) belong in a certain spot, our laundry room to be specific. Now as you can imagine, not everyone complies with this rule. When I find a random shoe or two, I usually huff and puff and throw them in the laundry room, making sure the culprit knows he/she is wrong. Well, this last incident nearly sent me over the edge, have you ever almost fallen down carrying a newborn just because your husband forgot to park his boats? Don't judge me until it happens to you! Anyway, my tirade went unnoticed because everyone else was asleep, it was 2AM, ah the joys of having a newborn. So my mind began to wander, someday when these two boys grow up, I'll probably have 3 pairs of size 14 shoes to trip over. OMG it's never going to end, is it? I'll be ranting and raving about shoes that have been kicked off for the rest of my life. **sigh** Then I started thinking about all the food these boys will eat when they are teenagers which then made me think of how often I'll have to go to the grocery... **sigh** So instead of focusing on the future, I'm just going to enjoy these little guys while they are little, you have to admit, they are pretty cute!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

first of all I am loving those two! they will be the best of friends. Second of all you aren't kidding about big shoes and lots of trips to the grocery! I have spent plenty of time myself pondering my future. when Todd talks about how much him and his brother ate(and drank-lots and lots of milk) I feel VERY tired. The only bright spot is at least there will come a day that they'll stay home while you do all the shopping :)