Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday morning

Yeah, look at my clean desk! Ready for the next project to begin...

I am an optimist. I see the glass as half-full. I see the good in people. I find the good things in the people that others gossip about. I love to start a new project. I love the first day of school, not the last day, as most teachers do! And, I love Mondays. Ahh, the start of a new week. Everything fresh, ready to begin again. I usually go crazy and try to do all my laundry, clean the whole house and attempt to create all the crafts I saw on Martha Stewart the previous week. Inevitably, I fail to accomplish all I hope to, but that doesn't stop me from getting excited every Monday morning. Today was just like all the others, I finished up my laundry, all 9 loads, boxed up some clothes too small for Parker, made some cute Valentine hearts with the kids to hang up (complete with glitter!), cleaned some random things (our kitchen clock, glass cabinets, dusted pictures), mailed out some cards and pictures to some friends, cleared off my scrapbook desk, and the best task of all was cleaning under the couch. Why might you ask was that the best? Well, it was the one thing today that made me laugh. Under our couch was a treasure trove of objects that weren't necessarily missed or sought after but nonetheless very interesting.

Objects found under the couch today- Jan. 28

1. 1/2 fluorescent pink crayon- the pointy end so we could still color with it

2. a piece of a Bionicle toy from McDonald's that Parker likes to play with but can't do on his own so he throws a fit when he can't do it, wish I hadn't found that one

3. a plastic lemon from the toy kitchen

4. 2 pieces of old popcorn, Max ate these

5. a Polly Pocket shoe, pink, tiny and cute

6. a granola bar wrapper

7. a dried up chunk of a cookie

8. dust- load of it

9. lots of dog hair

10. a bird feather

There it is, our life in a three inch space under the couch: toys, snacks, dirt, and pets. I wonder what will turn up the next time I get a wild hair to clean under there?!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I need some of your energy! Sounds like an awesome day(from one organized junkie to another)