How do you like the new "do?" I wanted a stacked bob but it's more of a soft shag. Jo, who has cut my hair for many years, usually does her thing and I always end up happy with the results. Sometimes at first, I am a little unsure, especially the first few days of a new cut. She has fine hair like mine so I feel like she knows how to manage it.
Parker took this picture of me, I look slightly crazed (and in dire need of some lipstick) but I guess that's how I look most of the time. I am second guessing my new haircut. Remembering how much effort shorter hair can be, straightener, product, rooster hair in the morning, etc. long hair is so much easier, hello ponytails! Anyway, it will be good to have shorter hair since Tanner pulls big chunks out at least 8 times a day. If nothing else, it was good to have an evening at the spa, I was in desperate need of some "me" time. I'm off to do my Friday stuff... grocery, dry cleaners, library, etc. Have a great weekend!