Wednesday, May 27, 2009

boo boo kit

I got teased for this yesterday so I thought I'd share with you. Our gymnastics teacher had to get a bandaid for Parker yesterday while I was in the ladies' room and she thought this was pretty silly. I was actually impressed that he knew where to find a bandaid in all my stuff. It's just an ordinary first aid kit that the cashier at CVS talked me into buying last week when I was getting $40 worth of stuff for $3.80 (!). Since I was couponing her to death, I thought I'd oblige her, and the profits benefited some charity, sorry I can't remember which one. Anyway, it was pretty ugly. It said, "CVS first aid kit" on the front so I just pulled off the sticker and used some of my old scrapbooking stickers to enhance it. Voila! I thought it was cute and hey, that's what matters right?! It holds a few bandaids so it isn't very practical but it is nice for the old diaper bag. Zoe (my biggest fan) thought it was "awesome" and proclaims she wants one for her backpack.

1 comment:

Murillo Family said...

So cute! Mine just has the ugly first aid kit sticker, I think it needs an update!