It drives my big tall hubby crazy how I buzz around after the kids have gone to bed. "Just come and sit down" he says to me all the time. I just can't help myself. I have to get everything ready for the next morning or I feel "off."
I know probably most of us do this but I am a nut, seriously. I get out all the stuff to make big tall hubby's breakfast/coffee. (Aren't I so sweet to make him oatmeal and coffee every morning? I tell him he is so spoiled all the time. He just kind of grunts at me but I secretly know he loves it.) I also set out juice cups for the kids and all our daily vitamins. I make lunches and get snacks ready. I make sure the dishwasher has been emptied and ready for the next day. I also take out the trash/recycling. I will also put a load of laundry in the washer so all I have to do is start it the next morning. I get out my workout clothes and put them right next to my shoes so I don't have to fumble around trying to find the right gear. I don't make my kids get their clothes out but when Parker goes to kindergarten next year, I probably will. Two bus schedules might send me into a fit.

One of the best organizers I ever got was a pill organizer for each of us. (One for me, one for big tall hubby and one for the kids) We all take a multivitamin each day. Big tall hubby and I take a couple other supplements, it is so much easier to have them all counted out and ready to go. If the kids have to take additional medicine, I put them in here too. I swear those extra few seconds I save every day make me feel like I invented the wheel. Big tall hubby teased me to no end when I first got the organizers saying I was like an old lady. Now he agrees that it is so much easier to grab what you need all at once. And you can see if you remembered to take your medicine each day. So ha, I am so smart.

Funny thing about all this prep work. I
never used to do this. Before kids I used to just get up and shower, get my stuff ready, take my time. I have always been more of a morning person. I like to think I work so hard that is why I am exhausted at night. I still believe that even though as the years go on and I have more and more "stuff" to do for my family. I try to get it all ready so I won't be a running around crazy woman in the morning. But guess what, I still run around most mornings! I can't imagine what I'd be like if I didn't do all these things the night before.
I like prepping things at night. It seems like my mornings are so much easier when I do so. My daughter only goes to preschool two times a week, but when running around trying to get things together, it is enough to drive any mama crazy!
You are so together! I'm impressed, as usual. BTH is a very lucky man! I agree that on the very few occasions that I get stuff together the night before things do run so much smoother...
My husband does this same kind of prepwork....for all sorts of things. Makes me laugh.
I am the opposite...I guess thats why I'm usually late.
What a great wife you are getting your husband's breakfast all ready for him! I like to do a lot of prep work at night too...just makes the morning go a little smoother. I pack lunches and lay our school clothes...but that's about it!
I am the same way!!!!! anything that i can get ready or set out for the next day...makes things SO much easier!!!
I have to agree with you... it's so much easier preparing ahead of time.
Have a great day!
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