Not a new pic but it is a current one of Max...

We're still here, just playing the "wait for baby to come or be induced on Friday" game. I am having lots of contractions but nothing regular, phooey. I am watching my watch like a maniac, just in case...I just realized that if our Bambino is born on Friday, he will share his birthday with our dog, Max! How funny!!!! My first and last babies born on the same day, I know, kind of hokey, but insomnia will cause your mind to wander into crazy places. I have also been pondering all the crafty stuff I wish I had time for, Christmas gifts I want to buy, why is their nothing good on TV this summer, ways to stay cool when you sleep (besides camping out in the Speedway beer cave), and other random information. I know you are supposed to sleep as much as possible before the baby is born but my mind and body are not cooperating right now.
I have been reading everyone's blogs but Big Tall Hubby did some computer "maintenance" and now I cannot comment on anyone's posts. Hmm, it says our "cookies are disabled" normally when our cookies are disabled it just means we scarfed them all and I have to make more! ;) Kidding, I hope he can get it back soon because I saw some really cute stuff and I miss "talking" to you all.
1 comment:
I'm keepin' my fingers crossed that your baby decides to make his appearance ASAP! Waiting with bated breath...
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