Tuesday, November 20, 2007

cookies for preschool

One of my mommy dreams came true today! I sent in my first batch of cookies for a school party. (OK so last year I sent in some for Zoe's birthday but this was an official Thanksgiving party.) As a little girl, I just wanted to be the kid who got to pass out the homemade goodies she made with her mom to all the kids in the class. I imagined that girl must have felt so much pride in giving everyone a treat she helped make with her mom. Zoe and I made (Parker licked the beater) sugar cookies (Martha Stewart's Sugar Cookie 2 recipe- large batch) and then I decorated them with candy corn, M&M's (of course), and icing to look like turkeys. They turned out so cute. I got the idea from Pillsbury.com. I've had the recipe for a long time, I kept it stashed in my "Cooking for Kids" cookbook, just waiting for the invitation from Zoe's teacher to send in treats. I hope Zoe has fun passing them out. Now is a good time to get all your baking recipes ready and organized, while you are sorting out Thanksgiving recipes. Figure out what you are going to make and compile a complete list of ingredients needed. Grocery stores will have all kinds of baking goods on sale these next few weeks and the Sunday coupons will be filled with baking items. I think now would be a good time to get bulk items (chocolate chips, flour, etc.) so you can have the things on hand in case you think of a last minute person you want to give a gift to, who can resist homemade goodies? Mmmm, can't you just taste those cookies?!

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