Thursday, November 6, 2008

busy morning

How can one innocent task lead to a morning of frenzied decluttering?!

I really wanted to just figure out if I had any bottles left and what nipples I needed for them, even though I plan on nursing our new baby, I like to have a few for backup. So with both my kids home sort of sickish, not sick enough to be laying around, sick enough to be bugging me! I spent the whole morning cleaning and reorganizing three cabinets in my kitchen. How does this happen? I swear I didn't mean to do it! Oh well, I have a full box for Goodwill (old mismatched glasses) and I realized I have no nipples for bottles. I then remembered that I quit giving Parker a bottle (when he was about 18 months old) when he chewed the last nipple to pieces. I think these small tasks are what multiply into major overhauls for me, yes now I am seeing all kinds of things that could be purged. It's a sickness I tell you. I can't stop myself!

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