He's little and boxy.
He's stinky but patient.
He's wrinkly.
He snores and snorts and breathes real loud.
He's always under my feet.
He steals cookies right from your hands.
He is really loud when the doorbell rings.
He poops on the floor if he gets too excited.
He is loyal and the first to come sit by me if I am crying as if to say,
"what's the matter momma?"
He climbed into my lap when he was six weeks old and fell asleep and we have been together ever since.
His doctor bills are out of this world expensive.
He once at a whole bag of chocolate chips and almost died, it was definitely as scary as a trip to the hospital with one of the other kids.
He hops into your lap as soon as you sit down because he knows he isn't supposed to sit on the couch or furniture.
He is cute.
He is my pug, Max.
He is nine years old today.
Happy Birthday buddy.
I can't believe he is getting gray, makes me so sad, my guy is getting old
you can always find him here when Tanner is eating, just waiting for a crumb or a nibble
This poor guy was the top dog until Zoe was born (of course) but he handles it really well, he know his place and he accepts it. We got him the day after 9/11, I was hell bent on having a normal life after that tragedy and a dog was the surefire way to do it. He is the best dog, except for the pooping on the floor and barking at the door bell, I love him dearly and I would totally get another pug in a heartbeat.

Right now he is sitting on my feet and snoring, except when I move then he looks up at me and waits for me to move so he can follow me around. :)
1 comment:
Cute post! Hope everyone is feeling better in your house...
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