Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday/Tuesday Check in

I posted this on Facebook so sorry friends who already heard this story. But I love it.

Tanner and Asher and I came home from the grocery today. Tanner asked if we could listen to a song we heard in the car again. It was a Sting song, and you gals know how much I love Sting (a whole bunch of oodles, in case you forgot). I was so happy. Yes! Most of the time he requests Weird Al's "Fat", what in the heck was I thinking letting him listen/watch that on Youtube? And when I asked him if he wanted a salad for lunch he said, "YES mommy, I love salad!" He was so happy. The kid really likes salad. So we found a Sting concert on Youtube, and danced and munched for lunch. It was glorious. Awesome day.

things I am doing this week:
  • writing thank you notes
  • labeling pictures to mail
  • getting Halloween costumes for me and Big Tall Hubby
  • fixing our house for sale sign, after 3+ years, it needs some work
  • wrapping and delivering a gift for our little chatterbug neighbor
  • mailing books to my Big Tall Father in Law
  • calling the sprinkler people for fall service

my menus for this week:
  • lots of party leftovers
  • Big Tall Hubby has one of those weeks, where he is working late every day so the kids and I will be foraging for food in our fridge

Have a super awesome week!


Kerri said...

Boy is he a cutie!

Jill said...

So adorable!! Sounds like you are one busy lady! Enjoy your week!
