Thursday, April 28, 2011
one rotten dog for sale (not really)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
watchin' my weight Wednesday + random stuff
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Some Easter pictures
- get out summer shoes/put away winter shoes
- get out bigger clothes for Tanner
- drop off Goodwill items
- get clips put in my new cycling shoes
- clean house and catch up laundry
- spaghetti (request from kids) and broccoli
- tacos (another request)
- chicken quesidillas and rice/beans
- egg salad sandwiches (adults) and boiled eggs and fruit (kids)
- spinach and mushroom frittata
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday stuff
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Don't you just hate mornings like that?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
watchin' my weight Wednesday
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Rain rain, go the heck away already!
Monday, April 18, 2011
ABC's of me and Monday stuff
Here goes...
A. Age: 29 in my heart but my "official" documents say 37 (what makes them official anyway!? Age is a state of mind!)
B. Bed size: Queen. But I long for a king, I am married to Big Tall Hubby, I just won't give up my iron bed that I wanted for my entire life and BTH was kind enough to let me get when we got married.
C. Chore you hate: Cleaning the bathroom, so icky, I do it only when they start to look like the ones you stop at on a long trip, well maybe sooner than that. Hiring a cleaner for bathrooms would be the first thing I purchased if I won the lottery, after a Corvette of course.
D. Dogs: Dogs!?! I have a pug that I love/hate. I love him but he has lots of accidents on the floor which I hate.
E. Essential start to your day: A shower, make up, and about three giant glasses of water (a potty break shortly after!)
F. Favorite color: pink, but I love all colors
G. Gold or silver: Sliver
H. Height: 5’2”
I. Instruments you play: I used to play the cello, but I don't anymore, I keep thinking I will take it out and try it.
J. Job title: Mommy, wife, and wanna be professional crafter/organizer/writer, former teacher
K. Kids: Three plus one on the way, yikes! Lord, help me.
L. Live: In a suburb close to Cincinnati, my house is for sale in case you are interested! Golf course, 4 bedrooms, exquisite landscaping, all brick exterior, hard wood floors, high ceilings, tons of woodwork... I am beginning to sound like a realtor.
M. Mom’s name: Sophia Jane, isn't it pretty?
N. Nicknames: My mom calls me "Toots" or "Tootsie" but "Jenny" is my official nickname since I am really "Jennifer."
O. Overnight hospital stays: Just for my birthing experiences so far, I think I stayed a week or so when I had my tonsils out when I was five, I ate potato chips right after the operation and I was not supposed to do that, but I don't remember it. I remember being in a giant crib-like thing and hating every minute of it.
P. Pet peeve: mean people and disorganization
Q. Quote from a movie: “I like your sleeves.” From Napoleon Dynamite.
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: None, but I always wanted a whole bunch.
T. Time you wake up: Sometimes 5, sometimes 6, sometimes 7, depends on the day of the week and what workout I am going to do (or skip!)
U. Underwear: Any kind that covers my big Greek butt. Thongs only when I am going somewhere where people might be looking at my butt and making comments about it later, like a function for Big Tall Hubby's work or a reunion.
V. Vegetables you dislike: None, but I don't really like peas all alone I like them in something like soup.
W. What makes you run late: Usually, my family, they are always looking for a toy or something they want to take with them. (Like a toy, a wallet, a set of keys, if they listened to me and put them away, we'd never be late!!!)
X. X-Rays you’ve had: I had a really cool one when they took my wisdom teeth out, it was of my whole head, 360 degrees. I also got to see one of my dog once when he ate something he shouldn't have. It was so neat to see his organs and his bones that go all through his curly tail.
Y. Yummy food you make: Brownies and cookies.
Z. Zoo – favorite animal: Orangutans and chimps, plus my house is pretty zoo-like as it is. I love the zoo in general.
my things to do this week:
- get Easter baskets together
- make a basket for our family friend from the Dominican Republic and deliver to him
- drop off Goodwill items
- sell books to Half Priced Books
- get clips put in my new cycling shoes!!!!
- put away my winter shoes and get out my summer ones
- pack/get organized for our Easter visit to the grandparents
- iron a patch on a new pair of boy's pants (grr!)
- buy the boys both new Easter shoes (forgot these!)
- give myself a pedicure to go with those summer shoes!
- order Easter photo cards and mail
- get a gift for a friend's birthday this weekend and hopefully deliver to her as well (I'm going to be running around a lot this week!)
- order book from the school book order
- make an appointment for Zoe (she has an infected finger nail- how the heck did that happen!?)
my menus for this week:
- deli subs and chips
- hamburgers and homemade fries
- spaghetti and salad
- fish sandwiches and sweet potato fries
- shrimp alfredo (didn't make last week)
- BLT's and chips
I just noticed the amount of sandwiches (must be pregnancy cravings!:) )
Friday, April 15, 2011
Just call it a rollercoaster
Thursday, April 14, 2011
ho hum
Ever have one of those days where you don't want to get out of bed? But you do anyway? You don't feel like doing laundry, making breakfast, tying shoes, or putting on lipstick, but you do it anyway?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
watchin' my weight Wednesday
I don't know about you, but I hardly ever get to watch tv. Sure it's on a lot around here (not that I like that- I prefer the radio) but hardly ever to what I want to watch. Big Tall Hubby has control of the remote when he is home, unless I beg him to let me watch some reality tv like Real Housewives, he usually picks stuff I would never watch, ever. Then the kids, well they watch a lot of PBS and stuff on-demand that I allow them to watch. As soon as I sit down (rare occasion!) to watch something, inevitably, someone is screaming, crying, bleeding, needing a drink, hitting someone else, generally doing anything to prevent me from watching tv. Kind of bugs me, a lot.
Monday, I was getting ready to turn the tv off after the boys watched "Super Why" and I happened to catch the beginning of "Ellen." I love her show when I get to watch it, maybe three or four times a year. Her opening monologue cracked me up.** She was talking about the warm weather and how everyone was outside exercising. Then she said why does everyone have to wear the skin tight spandex when they ride bikes nowadays (I totally agree- what the heck is that all about?!). And then she talked about how it must be the natural progression in losing weight. It went something like this: first you make a new year's resolution to loose weight, then you join a gym, then you get a yoga DVD and a juicer and then you ride your bike in spandex. I was cracking up so bad, I think I snorted, loudly, twice.
Isn't that so true? I mean, don't we all try all the latest gimmicks and products to be healthy? How about those bracelet things everyone is wearing that allegedly promote balance and improve your athletic ability. Big Tall Hubby and I noticed the only people we see wearing these in our area are the people who look like they haven't been athletic in a few decades. Anyway, I guess it is true that the only way to really be healthy is to eat the best foods for your body and be active, whether or not you choose to wear spandex.
** I tried to find the opening monologue from Monday and I guess they don't post those. They totally should.
My workout song recommendation for this week: "I Wish" by Stevie Wonder. Here is a link. (Youtube did not have a video, just the song.) I love Stevie, this song is from his Songs in the Key of Life CD which is a must have in my opinion. You'd be so surprised at how many awesome songs he has made, you kind of forget. This was the song Ellen danced to on Monday, by the way. I love the dancing part of her show, probably because I dance around all the time too. It reminded me to add this one to my playlist. Great bass and trumpets throughout.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
to stage or not to stage
Dear Bloggy Mommies,
Have you read this book? It is one of my kid's favorites despite the subject matter. Spencer is a little boy with too many toys and his mom forces him to give some away. It is a process that is painful and kind of gut wrenching but he does it. How in the heck do my kids like this? Love it in fact? I mean, my monkeys wouldn't even let me have a McDonald's toy for the Goodwill box? Big misers. Every time, no kidding, every time I throw out a toy or give one away, they come to me and ask for it. Even if it was broken beyond repair. How do they sense it? Does some little alarm go off in their head that says, "mommy, is throwing out that broken yo yo from three years ago. The one with the tangled string and half of the one side is broken. Go get it NOW! Quick before the garbage men come!" It drives me crazy.
So why the heck am I talking about my kids and their mounds and mounds of stuff? Well, Big Tall Hubby (BTH) told me about one of his co-workers who sold their house after having it on the market for.... one month. WTF? They live in a neighboring community with similarly rated schools and shopping areas so we don't think those were the deciding factors. They had a house that was smaller than ours but on a wooded lot. Hmm, could that be it? Not sure. Then his co-worker (she) told Paul how they cleaned out all their clutter, taking loads to Goodwill. I go to Goodwill once a month, the guy at the drive thru knows me by name for goodness sake. I don't think we have an overabundance of clutter, although I agree, everyone could do more with less. They took half their clothes and put them in storage so their closets would appear emptier. This probably helped but I don't think it is do or die as far as house selling. Our closets are all neat and tidy and well organized. BTH's looks like a store (his words, not mine!) because I am kind of a closet nazi. I get a little bent out of shape if things get to crazy in a closet. They have ONE child who is not even two yet, so totally no kid clutter (I remember those days!). I can't do much about our three (and plus one coming) compared to their one so more on that later. * AND they had a stager come in and set up their house. Could this have sold their home? Maybe.
We have been trying to sell our house for almost two years. Straight. We have tried it all. We have lowered our price, lots of times. We have open houses. We tried selling it ourselves to sell at a lower price. We have switched realtors three times! We have painted, updated, and decorated as much as we can within our budget. We made one of our realtors put our house on the front page of the realty section of the paper one week (he called in favors and he was really not happy with us but we were hoping it would work- obviously it did not!). We have listed on Craigslist. We have given flyers to businesses we frequent.
Just about the only thing we haven't done is to hire a stager. I think he/she would come in and tell us not a whole lot. There are a lot of things we could change at this point. I have a couple pictures of my kids around that I hide when we have showings. We put away almost all of our other mementos and anything else that has any kind of significance to us so our house will appear less "personal." We put out cookies and fresh flowers. We clean (well I clean) like a maniac. Most of our furniture is pretty new-ish so we don't have old shabby couches or chairs looking ugly. Our decor is more country, less modern than some like, but I don't think that makes or breaks us either. Except for Zoe's pink room, we have pretty much neutral colors throughout the house. If a pink room makes someone not want to buy our house than "forget them" as CeeLo says! Everyone wants that perfect house for rock bottom prices. No one has any vision or the will to do any work on a house anymore. I kind of feel like everyone (we have been in contact with) is kind of spoiled. I feel like no house is perfect, not even brand new houses. We have lived in two brand new houses and have had to do a lot of work to both.
So I am wondering, would you hire a stager? They can be pretty expensive. And frankly, who has the extra money for anything right now? After two years of this silliness we feel very much like victims and desperation is kind of setting in.
* My other question is how in the holy heck do you get rid of your kids' toys. I thought we'd be moved by now and we would have purged a lot of toys in the move. You know, blame it on the movers, "I don't know what happened to your broken roller skate, maybe the movers lost it!" But two years later, the mounds keep growing! Should I just go totally crazy, send them off to Grandma's house and load up some Goodwill boxes? Or should I have them help me? I know a "good mommy" would have them pick and choose and talk about each item but that makes me feel totally overwhelmed. I like the Grandma idea way better.
Jealous of all the other people who have sold their houses, Jenny
Monday, April 11, 2011
Monday-everyone is back to school, woo hoo!
- finish sorting pictures (only one more envelopes to go!!!)
- order a few more pics from Walgreens (finishing up some projects, didn't get to do this last week)
- mend two items: a pair of pants and a sweater (found two new ones but I did finish my projects from last week!)
- clean my upstairs doors (major priority this week, I want to get er done!)
- clean/purge from my cleaning cabinet
- schedule a gutter cleaning
- get Easter candy (yummo!)
- place an Amazon order... been wanting to do this for a while, I have about a mile long list
- lasagna and salad (didn't make this last week as planned b/c I forgot to get ricotta cheese)
- shrimp alfredo and roasted broccoli (planned for last week but never made it)
- after that, not sure...
Friday, April 8, 2011
Pregnancy gives people brain farts
So lately I must admit my belly has well, popped. You gals know what I mean. Strangers can tell that I am pregnant, or they think I am hitting the M&M's really hard, either way, people can see a rather large bump.