Monday, October 24, 2011

getting an a** whoopin'

October is kicking my butt, as always. I swear it is worse, or almost as bad, as December. I just can't get ahead of the situation.... shameful play on words at this point. I think Tanner looks like Mike "The Situation" here in these glasses...Seriously, I'm here, I've been reading everyone's blogs but honestly I don't feel like I have even a minute to comment. **sniff sniff** I love "chatting" with everyone, I hope to get back to some sort of schedule and order soon. This chaotic craziness is driving me batty.

Take care.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

It's a busy month for sure...hopefully your November will be the calm before the storm of December!

I showed Eric your swagger wagon video...he loved it!