Friday, December 12, 2008

the Office

Have I ever mentioned that I love "The Office?" Well, I do. I scream, snort, and get a bellyache from laughing every Thursday night. Last night's episode was sooo... funny, totally didn't expect the doll Darrell was holding to look like she did, you gotta watch! I watch the reruns on TBS and I check their website, a lot. I have a huge crush on Jim, don't tell my hubby, shh! He thinks my only love besides him is John Travolta...And I secretly am coveting a Dwight bobble head and I want to get Paul one of those "world's best boss" mugs, except he doesn't love the show as much as I do so that would purely be for my benefit. Anyway... the other day I was watching a scene I had on our DVR just to get a laugh, it had been one of those days, you know? And as soon as Zoe heard the opening theme music, she said, "Oh no, she's watching "the Office" again" (note this was in a true exasperated tone of voice).
My secret love- hmmm.... kiss kiss...
For the past few weeks, the kids have been playing office. I don't know how it came about. They have these boxes, phones, clipboards, name tags, mailboxes, cups of coffee (go figure!), and they insist on paging me all the time. I totally crack up at their imaginary phone conversations with mad customers. I still haven't figured out what their office does, but they are definitely having fun.
The kids and I made these "mailboxes" out of Pop tart boxes (Zoe's idea) and they want me to fill them with mail everyday. They keep them on their box desks in case anyone needs to put stuff in them, so they say.
Yep, we love "the Office."

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