Monday, December 1, 2008

twin feet

Just because I cannot see my feet (no baby, no baby news, still have giant belly) doesn't mean I have lost my love for shoes. It actually means I miss the warm weather and flip flops because it is more challenging to put my shoes on then a ferocious two year old on the go! I have had these faux Chuck Taylors for about a year and this year Zoe wanted some too. (just a note- she has real Chucks too, the cool pink ones with no laces, they didn't have my size or I would so have some) We both have talked about how we should wear them on the same day, but somehow we always forget. Well, one day we did and strangely it felt kind of good, a mommy and daughter kind of bonding experience. I always think she is so much like her daddy it's nice to see she might want to be like me sometimes too. Secretly, moms, don't we all want our little girls to be like us?

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