OB update:
I am 1 centimeter dilated.
Whoop de doo! (sarcastic tone intended) Why do our doctors tell us this? I swear it is like the Price is Right parting gifts. "Sorry you didn't win, enjoy this nice consolation prize..." I don't want to hear I am 1 freakin' cm, I want to hear, "you're 5 cm, get to the hospital girl!" Urgh! My mom says I should jump up and down a lot to break my water (it broke with Zoe during a regular doctor visit after a good strong sneeze!). If my belly didn't feel like it would fall off, I just might get out a jump rope and get crazy. I'll keep you posted...
A funny Zoe story:
Zoe saw me putting toilet paper on the holder yesterday and in her best shocked little mommy voice she said, "didn't I just put toilet paper on there? I can't believe it! No one does anything around here but us Mommy." Now we know where we get it ladies, it's ingrained in us forever!
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