Tanner jumps in the dryer every time I take things out. He thinks it is so much fun. I thought it was funny too until he decided he didn't want to come out. Stinker.

With spring on the way and more sunlight coming through my windows which makes it easier to see all the dust in my house, I am finding myself making my spring cleaning "to do" list. In the past I just kind of go through my list and mark off the tasks as I do them. Things like: wash windows, doors, baseboards, wash rugs, etc. I kind of meander around and eventually all of the jobs are done. I have "clean my downstairs doors" on my things to do this week because they are totally grody but also because it is a spring cleaning job I normally do. I suppose I am hoping if I start my spring cleaning, spring will in fact come sooner.
I guess it doesn't matter how I do the jobs as long as I get them done, right? That dust sure isn't going anywhere on its own. Here is what I am wondering of all you fine blog mommas out there... when you clean (say for spring cleaning) do you clean a whole room at once or do you do one part at a time? Do you find it easier to do one room at a time or one job at a time?
In my perfect world...I do the entire room all at one time. But, often I get started and then don't finish until the next day....or the next day.
Tanner looks so cute in the dryer...that's one thing my son never did.
Hmmm...whole room at a time, I think. Unless it's windows then I usually try to get all the downstairs windows at a time then move to upstairs. We have a carnival coming up at school too. Ugh! The kiddos love it though. Love the storage closets...we have two in the basement. Older home = no closet space as you said!
i try to tackle one room at a time...depending on how much time i have...today i had 30 minutes to clean the downstairs bathroom and i tackled the upstairs bathroom while the kids were playing in the tub....unless we are having a party and then the whole house gets cleaned in one day with EVERYONE helping...i love that! happy cleaning!!!
I wish I spring cleaned. But if I'm honest I don't. In my 'regular' cleaning it's bits and pieces here and there with no rhyme or reason (which might be why my house never seems to be clean). It's really hard to keep an acceptable house (much less a clean house) when I've got four very outdoorsy, dirty boys and one dirty husband.
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