Still for sale!
They decided that they would put an offer on another house because our house was too expensive and they felt like they could get more for their money somewhere else. And they thought our kitchen was a "disservice." Which of course I take personally, even though I shouldn't. I love my wood cabinets. I love my ginormous island. I love my white appliances. I love my laminate counter tops for now, sure I'd like the limestone ones I picked out before we decided to sell our house but I'll be dipped in you know what if I spend money on those only to leave them here! Plus, I don't think I'd get stainless steel even if we have to do a kitchen redo at our new house. I just don't really care for them for me. I see them in other people's kitchens and in magazines and on tv and I agree, they can look really nice but for me, Jenny, they just aren't what I prefer. I would like a new backsplash by the way, big meanies, but everything else can stay. Anyway, it was an emotional weekend. Knowing I had to clean my house for a really awful couple, waiting to hear what they said about our house again, second guessing all our choices in building this house, realizing again that we aren't any closer to moving, just made me really emotional.

Oh, and can I say they were also worried that their kids might get hit by golf balls. Whatever. We back up to a putting green. If someone is hitting their ball that hard on a putting green, they are a really bad golfer. Anyway. Jeez.
Grocery update:
I got my coupon savings tallied up for last year. Can't believe I forgot to do it sooner. From my records, I saved $1257.15 in coupon savings and $2034.98 in grocery savings (shopping ads and sales). That is a total of $3236.15 savings. Not too bad really. I definitely want to try to save more this year the past couple years I have been hovering around these numbers. We'll see I guess because I just read that all grocery items (foods and non perishables) are going up in price. Boo hoo!
I'd also like to add one more pet peeve to my grocery list: I really hate when the bagger doesn't tell you which bag your eggs are in, I mean, really bagger people!
Sick baby update:
Mother Nature has a rotten sense of humor or she believes in tough love, I don't know yet. I was literally up all weekend with this guy. He was so sick (starting to feel better now) for three days. I was going insane. I slept about 45 minutes Friday and Saturday nights. I think Mother Nature is helping me remember what life will be like after our new guy makes his arrival. (please ignore this hideous picture- Parker took it while I was trying to watch a basketball game, I think I was mid-cheer/heckle, not sure).
We've started to call Tanner my little baboon because he has the same wispy hair baboons have. It was really crazy after all his feverish no-sleeping nights, plus he was latched on to me like a baboon, I couldn't even go to the bathroom without him. You other mommies know those kinds of sicknesses!
And a Dyson report:
I love this guy. I really do. I just knew I would but I really do. I knew that all my friends who had one were not exaggerating. He was my birthday present. I have been wanting him for a long time. He works like a charm. That canister thingy gets filled up every time I vacuum. And I have to vacuum a lot. Last week I did a ton because of the house showings and it amazes me how much crud that thing picks up. I don't know how often I changed my old vacuum bags, but I know it wasn't after every use so this is like pure joy. I am still getting used to the attachment pieces, they are really different from my old vacuum but nonetheless, emptying that can is so satisfying! By the way, Kerri, I did name him Tyson. :) Thanks for the suggestion.
my things to do this week:
- put away St. Patrick's Day decorations
- get out Easter decorations
- finish sorting birthday pictures into the kids' albums
- finish my sewing/mending, almost done
- continue making my master baby to do list
- clean my upstairs doors
- sort/purge my really old scrapbooking supplies in the basement (two tubs)
- clean/purge my cleaning supply cabinet
- get dance competition stuff ready for Saturday
- drop off a load to Goodwill
- sell books at Half Priced Books
- clean house for a Sunday open house
- if time/energy sweep high traffic areas in the garage (no moving or rearranging, just walking areas)
I am hoping again for lots of energy this week. I actually was on track to get my whole list complete from last week until the showings got scheduled. I am hoping that Tanner feels better so I don't have to carry him around all day, that will definitely make it harder to complete my list.
my menus for this week:
I am winging it this week. I did not get to plan menus or grocery shop because of sick baby. We have stuff from last week that we can eat and I have plenty to get us through.
Everyone have a great week!
Your home is beautiful Jenny, and I wouldn't worry about those people. I know how it is selling, people can make the rudest comments, but everyone has different tastes and preferences. Hang in there, the right buyer will come along soon! Hope everyone is feeling better in your home now. Poor little guy...hopefully you are getting some sleep. Hang in there!
Jill first win in blogland! :)
Hope your little guy feels better. At least your arms are getting a good workout!
Sorry about your showing. Anyone would be so fortunate to live in a beautiful home like yours. I love it. And the right person will come along sooner or later who will love it too...they always do.
You continue to inspire me with all your energy and strength. BOO to the meanies! YOu have your hands's ok to vent! Your house is beautiful...someone WILL buy it eventually! Keep your chin up!
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