my "new" scrapbook desk chair- before


Here is my new scrapbooking chair. Anyone who knows me or has been antique-ing with me, knows I love chairs. Can't pass up a pretty one with turned legs, ever.
It cost all of $3 at a yard sale. It was pretty grungy. I spotted it and screamed for my hubby to "stop the van! Don't you see that chair that needs a home!?!-" my exact words.
The brown fabric was about $4 for a yard. I originally wanted royal blue or navy toille but the only blue toille that I could find was for a baby's nursery. What toille designing people, grownups can't like blue?! Whatever! I picked this brown because it reminded me of Longaberger baskets.
Zoe thought it would be "so cool" to keep it yellow with the zebra print. I do in fact, like yellow, but zebra, not so much. I had some primer issues with this one. I used spray primer to save myself some time. HA. Didn't work. It went on all gloppy and gooey, maybe because I was painting in 100 degree heat? Who knows. I ended up sanding it, again, and just painting it. Since it was just for me, I decided I would love on the glops and let them go. I am pretty happy with the results. It looks so much better in my little piece of heaven than it did all lonely on the side of the road at a run-down house selling odds and ends. I am trying to reorganize most of my crafting area since I have been on my craft supply buying freeze for about a year. It is really helping me to assess what I have and what I can use, more on that some other time.
I am going to go sit and take a load off... in my new throne.
* just so you gals know, I do not know how to spell "toille," apparently my spell check doesn't either, so if I am wrong, sorry :)
Awesome job on your chair Jen! It looks so much the detail on the legs!
I need to organize my scrapbook stuff big time...I haven't been in the mood lately to do it...probably because it's a mess. I'm saving that job for some rainy day during school!
I love your new throne!!!!!!
Thank you so very much for your comment on my blog! I shall keep blogging my little heart out!!! THANK YOU!!!
Have a pretty day!
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