I have a ginourmous amount of scrapbooking supplies. Remember this picture of my recent stamp sort/purge?
I finally got the drawers labeled with my stamp categories. Used my trusty Dymo, even though I so wanted to make cute little stamped tags to hang from the drawer pulls.

About a year (or so) ago, I put myself on a buying freeze. I would not let myself buy any more cute stickers, paper, embellishments, or stamps. I did however buy adhesive (tape runners, glue, etc.) as I needed them. And every once in a while I did buy a couple cute baby boy stickers or embellishments (I mean, does Tanner have to have leftover everything?!) but that was it. I swear! It was so freeing. No more trying to decide where to put my newest purchase until I could use it. I just "shopped" in my own stuff. I spent a lot of time looking through my paper and stickers and saying, "ohhh, how cute, I forgot about that one." Now, did I oogle the latest designs in my magazines as they were delivered to me, yep, you betcha. But that didn't deter me. It was hard to go to Michaels or Archivers and not buy, buy, buy, those little red clearance stickers just call my name. I just had to tell myself I was frozen.
I am still in the purging process. (I am working on this sloooooowly in between getting kids' closets cleaned and ready for school and etc.) It is my hope to have my area fully purged and reorganized by October so I can craft away for the holidays. I am still scrapbooking and card making here and there (in fact, my hubby just asked me to make some invites for a school function) but I truly feel that a clean and tidy workspace will make me so much more efficient. I am really looking forward to stealing some time while Parker is at preschool and Tanner is napping, shh, don't tell them! I promise to post pictures as I go along.
I am thinking this freeze might be good for other areas of my life, like no new t-shirts from Old Navy. No more flip flops from the summer clearance rack. No more magazines at the grocery checkout. Let me ponder those for a bit, I think everyone (myself included) could make due with a little less.
Can we see your invitations when you're done?!
I need to do the same...my scrapbook desk is in my bedroom too...and in need of some serious purging! Also, I bought the new storybook cd collection w/ my b-day money (Feb.) and have yet to use it! It's kind of tricky...I think I need to call my consultant and ask for some help!
I am heading to our basement to do a purge of my own this weekend....love a good purge!
Enjoy the day
Just found your blog, and I am the same with scrapbooking supplies. I enjoy it and so does my oldest daughter, she's 9. I just wish I could find more time for it! That's one reason I started my blog to better document their days. :-) Looking forward to reading more of your blog.
Like the new picture at the top of your blog!!! Good for you!
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